ADVISE FOR YOUTH! "LOVE YOUR PARENTS BEFORE THEY GONE" Our both parents are great in the eyes of Allah. No one can surpass their position and greatness because for us they are the light of our life. They give us unconditional love, they encourage us whenever we’re down, they are broken whenever we’re crying and they protected us from calamities of life. They are great wall that no one could destroy because they are made from pure love for us. Sometimes not all of us could really express their love to their parents because NOT ALL IS SHOWY! For me, I love my parents in my own ways although I’m not showy at all and I don’t really express my love apparently but the truth is I don’t have any words to use to express HOW GREAT MY LOVE IS FOR THEM. I don’t want to call them… I don’t want to hear their voice because it makes me miss them badly but they don’t know about it. My love for them encouraged me NOT TO LEAVE MY SALAH AND DUA. It gives me will to talk to Allah ...