"LIBERTY" Muslim Youth, what life is there for us, we are free people yet when will we reach the zenith of our liberty; Our ancestors fight and freed us long ago but fool we are that we, kilter to live the life they gave. Blindly we obeyed those men on horseback; whose faces were colored, and beaming with lies. They babble and babble, we give an ear to them, breathing our conviction while our he arts bawl, wanting to step out and be heard. Muslim Youth, why color your heart, when you're free? Why be coward and stay in your cote, when will you have a brave soul? Why do you still go on this journey? When the road is gloomy and rocky? Don't be a crackpot, don't tail that doubtful path: because you have a torch in your hand. And STOP LISTENING TO THAT HIDEOUS SOUND! Muslim Youth, you are free to light that torch. I hearted you to walk with wit, for you wit should not wait to be buried in the nadir of your soul. Why be quiet and why nod? ...