Women are lucky to have a stable status, recognized identity and especially they have granted LIBERTY in the society. But if you look the status of women now, can we say that they are really freed? Definitely, YES! They are PHYSICALLY freed but EMOTIONALLY, MORALLY, and SPIRITUALLY are deteriorated and captivated by the society. 
From the start the feminism recognized, women became centered of attraction; centered of destruction and objects of sexual desires. Women in first place, they should be respected in all aspects but because of misused of LIBERTY and FREEDOM, they became enslaved of others necessities. They freely opened the door of sacred possession that was entrusted by God to them in exchanged of luxurious life and temporary happiness in this deceiving world. Look at the status of women in reality; they are misused by the society; an object of advertisements, movies, song lyrics, pornography and fashions. THEY FINALLY ALLOWED THEM TO DO ANYTHING TO THEM!! Have you seen the results of all of these? The numbers of crimes are tantamount to a mountain: the rape case, harassment and even killing innocents. Liberation supposed to be a great opportunity for women to establish peace and harmony but what happened was quiet different. 
We believed that to be a woman is to be a precious pearl; difficult to find and touch; you have to struggle to have it. But today, most of women are free from sacredness, modesty and became choice for some men. Their worth and preciousness are in danger as if not all the women know their values. How can women stop this social disease? 
"A woman is a LIGHT or a WONDER, BEAUTY or a GLORY, you are a whole world within, a light which illuminate the world."

"A man who sees the true beauty of a woman is the luckiest of all. He becomes the slave of love; a slave of never fading beauty. Such a man never ceases to love. And the woman who dissolves in a man's eyes and penetrates a man's heart is the chosen one. She becomes a destined swan for lifetimes. Such a woman never withers, in beauty, grace and love. these two become love itself until the end of times."

