Youth is the successor of the leaders of today. They will be crowned of responsibilities and obligations and that is to be the protector of the teachings of Islam. If the youth susceptible to the propaganda of West then its not far to happen that the Islam soon to decline from its dominion. Nowadays, everywhere in the corner of the world Muslim children, teenagers and women killed everyday. Why they are the target from the first placed?

This is obvious that they are gradually removing the thorns of their regimes; the thorns that will be the reason to their fall, that's why they have no mercy to our fellow Muslims, its easy for them to kill them. Women and the youth are the backbone of Islam and because our world are progressing in technology their mind are opened about what happened to Islam. The West are afraid of these women and the youth that sooner or later they can able to fight to them and buried their regime forever. 

The Youth and the women are the last target of the West and until they are exist in this world, expect everyday that our fellow Muslims will face the deathly hollows. How could this inhuman regime stop? How could the Muslim youth and women stop this when most of them are inclined to the propaganda of West? Look at them, from mentality,physical and their souls are already controlled by West. But these youth and women has no any idea what's going on and how great their responsibilities and obligations to the Islamic nations that they must to do. The West tried many times to destroyed many Islamic countries but they failed to do it and then when they understood that youth and women are the successors of Islamic teachings they have seen the hope to destroy Islam easily. 

My fellow Muslim youth and women, understand your obligations and responsibility to Islam and never let the west to destroy our Islamic world. We can fight to the west through resistance from their propaganda. Don't let to be their puppet and a tool to destroy Islam. We need to fight for Islam because our ancestors gave their lives to protect it and let us prove to them that we can also do what they did. Their sacrifices should be meaningful to us not meaningless and worthless. Remember my fellow youth and women, we are the powerful soldiers in our time, let's make move and raise the FLAG OF ISLAM; THE PERFECT RELIGION OF ALLAH.


  1. Mashallah and the best example for the resistance is islamic revolution in iran led by our leader ayatollah khomaini r. A

  2. Mashallah and the best example for the resistance is islamic revolution in iran led by our leader ayatollah khomaini r. A


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