"UNANSWERED CALL FROM ALLAH" When it comes to tests and trials from Allah, we have two choice either to deal with the pain right now and get closer to Allah or delay and prolong the pain without any recourse. When we have pain,we normally isolate ourselves and we want to be alone. Just like men, they deal with their pain alone but women they often speak out their pain with their close friends and family. But this kind of reaction will never make us feel better or else it does but it last so soon.Only Shaitan taught us and make us feel that we need to be alone whenever we're in pain. We forgot that in every trials Allah is calling us to come back to Him, to open up with Him, ask help from Him and share our pains to Him through different ways such as offering prayers and reciting du'a. But WE OFTEN REJECTED HIS CALL! WE OFTEN IGNORED HIS CALL and we run away from Him. We find people more comforting than Allah and without realizing that the comfort from ...